About Me

OMG! You guys made it! I don’t know how you got here but I’m happy that you did. Welcome to my little piece of the internet, my blog, JenBakesDuh. I am so excited to start a blog where I can put my words and creations and random pictures to something that I call my own. One thing you gotta know I ramble a lot so hopefully this makes sense to you guys. My name is Jennifer, I am 30-ish, born and raised in South Florida, I’m Puerto Rican, I am shy, happy, moody, silly, sooo not perfect and I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am obsessed with getting my nails done, penguins, The Rock, binge-watching, coffee, wine, baking, cooking and EATING! My blog is going to be about all the things that I love and hopefully I can fit them into categories! 😉

In July 2019, I turned my baking Instagram into a foodie Instagram that I love keeping up with. I love to try new places to eat and take pictures of my food, so naturally a foodie Instagram is born! Follow my @jenbakesduh but lets be real, you probably got here by following it.